Infants & Early Childhood Services

Are you looking for additional services for your child who is already receiving Early Intervention?

You’ve come to the right place. It’s possible! Your child can continue receiving Early Intervention while also receiving outpatient services such as Occupational Therapy. In fact, this can actually be beneficial. Our therapists are trained to work with infants as young as 6 months and are able to collaborate with your child’s Early Intervention and other service providers (school, doctors, etc.) to ensure the child is progressing equally across settings. Our team is specialized in working with diagnoses including (but not limited to):

  • Autism

  • Down Syndrome

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Developmental Delays

  • and many others!

Most insurances will cover EI in addition to OT. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation and receive your insurance’s benefits!